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"Supports equality for women of black heritage in shareholders/stock market & real estate markets which tend to be male dominated; enforces inclusion for black heritage females {all my focus stays on people with no learning disabilities/non-autistic that hold Diploma/GED, college education, experience, OR skills} in gaining equal pay, promotions & advancements in careers while in the workplace without comparing them to men; enforces a mélange of racial equity opportunities for black heritage attending predominantly white colleges and government positions that will result in success while supporting desegregation efforts worldwide; supports having multifarious resources available for all women in business ventures.. DEI is not something I whole heartedly support, it's just another form of affirmative action which I never experienced in my life at all. I do support pushing diversity though, especially to those who show that they can handle themselves as professionals in whatever area they are getting DEI help in, have legit citizenship (not those who are undocumented persons, refugees or other type illegal immigrants, migrants), no LGBTQIA or other type of anti-government supporting entity such as Black Lives Matter/Communism, not actively using drug addict brain damaged/ in & outta the psych ward patient brain damaged or other ((I don't support no racist Latino immigrants' or racist African from Africa immigrants' or racist poor white or ignorant black folks getting ahead in anything in life)), not just hiring any type of autistic, learning disabled just to be diverse.."




























I am not condoning any type of oppressive actions, especially not any oppressive actions towards me/my kids/my family. ********(MLK didn't do Brown v education, but my legacy did, that's my voice in the NAACP, via my VA NAACP branch family that gave me a voice at birth) I don't deal with any of these oppressive people in any type of personal manner and don't wish to, business only is what I do with these types that don't share my views. I offer my apologies to anyone who misunderstood my postings due to their own racism, hateful ways, learning disabilities, ward patient issues, or them just wanting to attack me due to my USA presidential voice I hold on certain issues but my posts or other were meant to "defend" myself or USA former president Barack Obama and other presidents who lend me their voices on a personal level (Barack Obama uses his voice for me to discuss certain issues that I want to discuss worldwide that include stopping police corruption/police abuse, stopping racism, valuing education, legalizing marijuana, supporting gay marriage, and other important issues) to speak on certain issues. I speak against attacks being done towards me or my kids intentionally while they know I'm USA presidential status. Certain groups of people via social media posts, or in person, such as those who kidnapped/stole my kids using illegal foster care adoption orphan services ((where these church, fuslim, Jewish fraud pedophiles were allowed to talk for me/my kids and tell staff/judges/lawyers what they wanted to happen to me/my kids even though they didn't know me/my kids personally, weren't my paid legal counsel who cleared me of all false fraud unproven accusations, none liked me or my kids, they didn't know me or my kids legit family on my mom's side in any personal manner, while fraudly labeling us transgender, bums living on the streets outta control juvenile delinquent gang bangers, etc like we dealing with Chaka Fattah/House of Umoja in Philadelphia squads when we aren't, never have ... Doris Peace, Julian Washington (Nefertiti bullcrap like Tupac tattoo), their supporters including trap house drug addict drug dealer Meek Mill, along with some of them being LGBTQIA, used Bethany Christian services agency which is anti LGBTQIA, so they were against us based on these frauds lies to call us transgender, bums living on the streets, etc from people we don't know or like or deal with; Lorraine Jones Stroud and her pedophile supporters including trap house drug dealer drug addict Meek Mill squads used JEVS employees/clients via Bernadette Pettigrew, Tony Lew squads which is Latinos gang banger dirt ball perx xanax lean user seller Meek Mill squads involved with Chaka Fattah squads, along with Jewish Family services wacked out agency to do illegal adoption of my kids based on all involved lying including the retard school district principal, her staff who lied even after the other staff member & school secretary cleared me of any wrong doing (Philadelphia folks ran to sue Bethany Christian services agency over them not liking gay people after they illegally terminated my parental rights based on lies of me, my kids being transgender, fraud scam paperwork they filed in courts but these lawyers refused my legit lawsuits and evidence while doing these cases, rights, while trying to say me, my kids were delusional schizo bipolar bum) ... the Pottstown, Norristown, Philadelphia pa police, detectives supported pedophiles in these illegal foster care adoption orphan services against me involving my kids along with illegally done drug raids, illegally done arrests using threats, coercions (when they ain't get the response they wanted they put what they wanted on fraud paperwork, which was listing me, my kids as homeless bums living on the streets outta control needing discipline, needing drug addictions services because I was a liar drug addict in their minds even though I had several negative drug tests/made them aware that I don't use drugs at all or pills Perc Xanax Lean , lied to say my kids, me had sexual behaviors issues when they were sexual abusing my kids, mental health services for schizophrenia bipolar issues that were all made up so they could stand in our faces being aggressive, combative, argumentative while lying to say me, my kids were homeless bums living on the street while they abused, molested, mutilated and lived off my kids while attacking me personally. Keep in mind me, my kids were in the MCHA homeownership program FOR OVER 5 YEARS with a place to live, never needed any foster care adoption orphans' services at all and these few folks knew me, my kids a lot, enjoyed BEING around my kids that were working at the MCHA homeownership program. These liars in children & youth services/illegal foster care adoption orphan services because none knew me or my kids personally... the same way alot of these Philadelphia shelter staff, reject agency staff, other STATE/PUBLIC AGENCIES at these locations in Philadelphia/Montco PA don't know me, my kids personally; me or my kids never had any type pf negative contact with any of those type agencies or police listed as far as "arrests/county jail", "social services", "speeding tickets", or other until we moved out to Pottstown Pa ON AN EMERGENCY Situation. (ME, MY KIDS WERENT USING ANY OF THOSE TYPES OF AGENCIES THAT ARE INVOLVED IN ATTACKING ME, MY KIDS UNLESS IT WAS TO MAKE A POLICE REPORT FOR VANDALISM---- Me, my kids were never dirty shelter users, homeless bums, juvenile delinquents, gang bangers, anti-government, or nonprofit users prior to any of these places/people that are attacking on me, my kids--- so where would all those negative aggressive actions towards us come from the people we had around us loved us being around--- Me, my kids weren't dealing with any church or Muslims in that manner at all ) nor any of my, my kids personal business unless they are sitting on my website, which many are or looking into my info illegally; These pedophiles, stalkers are STILL, in 2024, ATTACKING ME & MY KIDS LIKE THEY KNOW US AS DELUSIONAL, AGGRESSIVE, ARGUMENTATIVE, COMBATIVE, SCHIZOPHRENIA, Bipolar BUMS USED TO LIVING ON THE STREETS, ETC, ETC, ETC when we never knew these people personally to begin with, these cases started in 2011 using unproven false accusations with these Philadelphia based pedophiles who were out in Montgomery County Pa... Someone is coming in contact with these same people AT THESE LOCATIONS who are attacking me without disclosing they know me, TO CATCH THESE FOLKS & to report illegal or ill-mannered doings towards me by these PEOPLE.... after knowing it was all lies (none of these police, detectives know me or my kids in any type personal manner...check out my Google Reviews page   NOTICE- the location these incidents occurred in --- my pa state trooper been proved Montgomery County Pa were doing illegal actions towards)) ((notice how much I'm saying illegal, illegal, illegal, illegal, unproven false accusations, unproven false accusations.... repetitive!)) and their supporters have been attacking me personally using illegal actions, illegal court hearings, illegal arrests, illegal evictions, and other illegal actions, so that's who I am referring too. People involved with "Christian church frauds", gang banger supporters, JEVS JEWISH ((Jewish (Jewish folks are used to a ceremony where grown men suck on lil babies penises which is pedophile type stuff )). Christian church folks are totally different Why Judaism and Christianity Interpet the Bible Differently | TIME ) FUSLISMS, have been openly attacking me, my kids, my family. They are supporting these Jewish person, immigrants or others whom are attacking me, my kids for no reason at all; we don't deal with them in any type of manner especially not personal. Me or my kids still don't deal with Latinos, gangs by joining, ward patients, or other as I stated before unless its business and these people aren't doing business with me, my kids they are attacking me, my kids....... ((me or my kids weren't in any faces of church frauds, Fuslims, Jewish because we were into the scientology so no other religion should have been jumping in our faces at all)) There's too many drug dealers with criminal records for anybody to be running in me or my kids' faces with that type of crap and calling themselves using illegal foster care and adoption orphan services to abuse kids just because they don't like the parent or the children; none of nobody drug money supported me or my kids to begin with so me or my kids could care less about what happens to any of them..

Me or my kids never said we hated all of any race, religion, or other. That's not the case, me or my kids were never anti-gay, anti-Jewish, anti-immigrants (they want what me and my kids got already USA citizenship) never will be.

*FYI- No one has to visit my pages, websites or contact my business who doesn't like me, my posts, my websites as nothing I do promotes racism, anti- Jewish hate, anti- LGBTQ hate, or other type of oppressiveness. **** *Note- None of the organizations I am associated with have anything to do with my personal statements outside of their organizations (none are USA presidential status but I am) nor are they a part of my statements which are directed towards those involved with certain gangs or certain other people who feel the need to attack me, my kids personally/verbally/physically that some city police, judges, lawyers refuse to resolve. Any organization or other PERSON doesn't make or break "my VA NAACP legacy" or "my USA White House Presidential status voice", and doesn't make or break me, my kids. If I volunteer, I have time on my hands that I use to give back or learn certain stuff that I like, but I can do without it if need be. I enjoy the time spent with any organization that embraces me as an individual, but I learned early in life certain things are to be enjoyed while participating, gives you growth, and the next level is always an option. Simple Right. ​

***FYI- I usually don't speak online or anywhere else about these types of issues or anything else, I'm usually a "private person" but this illegal stuff they pulled on me (MY Children) shouldn't be done to anyone








Autobiography In Progress



I support All Lives Matter as in human life that can survive outside of the womb, AND PRO ABORTION///I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY PRO-LIFE GROUPS AND NEVER WILL.. Gilliedakid, the rapper, and others supports All Lives Matter I see, same way they and other celebrities supported Black Lives Matter in some capacity. Dice Raw, his gay supporters, and these trap house drug dealer drug addicts including "meek mill squads" are dealing with anti-government HBCU supporters/MOVE members (a bunch of Africans from Africa are supporting antigovernment/Mumia Abu Jamal/Black Panthers squads who speak on "ALL LIVES MATTER" as well along with having knowledge or taking in or supporting of those who are openly abusing my kids illegally using illegal foster care and adoption services and other, but that's not my squads nor did any of the foster care & adoption staff know me or my kids personally to be giving anyone information about me or my kids to ANYONE...How can they give out information on me or my kids and we don't know them nor deal with them in any type of manner, especially personally .... Look at the all the church frauds who are hiding undocumented persons, immigrants, refugees, and others they are all taking part in illegal actions yet call themselves church people????? Or look at all the church/Muslims frauds who are hiding that they are gay while so called teaching the bible or Quran to others... no authentic church person or Muslims is supposed to support anything gay/LGBTQIA FOLKS so why are #gilliedakid, #diceraw, and their other squad members around gay persons... ((Dice Raw, Blac Deniro (Both Rappers, that I dated at totally different times, several years is getting to know someone, so I called them boy & friend.....LOL), were persons I briefly dated (dating doesn't mean SEX either, JUST DATING GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER) years ago UNTIL I "verified" that DICE Raw WAS "actually" SUPPORTING anti-government/Mumia Abu Jamal/MOVE members, then stopped dating DICE because I'm USA presidential status voice Barack Obama in reality, I'm Barack Obama! I can't be with any anti-government boyfriend or I stopped getting to know Blac Deniro due to being illegally thrown in county jail so this dumb Montgomery County Pa narcotics police officer liar that supported illegal foster car and adoptions orphan services against me while fraudly labeling and treating me like a blk male retarded transgender ((same foster care and adoption orphan supporters who fraudly labeled me, my kids "transgenders" homeless bums living on the streets aggressive, argumentative, combative, delusional schizophrenia bipolar autistic with sexual behaviors issues, juvenile delinquents, drug addict, drug dealer, and more when none knew me or my kids at all, they did all this while molesting, abusing, mutilating my kids and attacking me with church frauds Willie Day assisting-----*****Bethany Christian Services (the same agency that took my kids into illegal foster care) was sued by Philadelphia for not dealing with LGBTQIA folks after they fraudly listed me, my kids as transgender...every illegal arrest these police listed and treated me like a transgender..when I'm not)) could do an illegal drug raid when I don't sell/use drugs; with Philadelphia police assisting after stealing my legal gun, my vehicle, other belongings ((No one was allowed in my home in Pottstown Pa area unless they were invited in by me and that ain't happen, came in with the landlord church fraud Willie Day, or they broke in, no one I was getting to know was allowed in my home or around my kids in any personal manner- my kids weren't allowed to play with the town kids unless they were at school, they had play dates with those who weren't bullying them and actually enjoyed having them around...unlike foster care, adoption orphan services who labeled my kids behavior issues, sexual behaviors issues while they molested them, juvenile delinquents, delusional schizophrenia bipolar retarded homeless bums used to living on the streets, transgenders)) (Wallo267, the adult juvie record holder, was who these Montco sheriffs, police, court employees were fraudly calling me back in like 2007 way before Dice or Deniro or this illegal drug raid they did on my home in Pottstown Pa--- none of these people I mentioned previously I knew at all when that juvie stuff went down with that sheriff's office lying to say I held a juvenile record as an adult, other to try and prevent me from getting my legal gun permit.. my Pa state trooper had to address Montco sheriffs in a forceful manner to make them give me my legal gun permit and told them to stay out my face with illegal actions...I'm sure he still watches me to this day). I keep DICE or any other person not paying my bills outta my life and personal stuff as much possible--- Dice Raw and his supporters are doing anti-government/gang banger supporting, & other and I'm not a supporter of such senseless antigovernment organizations or gangs whether some of my family supports those type organizations or not, it's never been my style)). I'm USA presidential voice via Barack Obama!!!!!, he personally uses his voice to speak to the world about issues I want the world to know about, along with other presidents using their voices to talk about issues I want the world to know about or laws I want changed/enforced, SO WHY THEY HECK WOULD ANYONE BE ATTACKING ME OR MY KIDS WITH ANY TYPE ILLEGAL ACTIONS/illegally done cases/illegal brain damaged mental health or drug addict, LGBTQIA, or prostitution false accusations BS TO BEGIN WITH. THE USA PRESIDENTS THAT SPEAK FOR ME ARE WATCHING EVERYTHING THAT OCCURS IN MY LIFE AS WELL AS OTHERS who want to try and pull me down but don't realize I'm presidential, SO THOSE ATTACKING ME IN ANY TYPE ILL MANNER PHYSICALLY OR VERBALLY LOOK DUMB AND THATS ATTACKING GOVERNMENT PROPERTY by way of the USA presidents. I AM BARCK OBAMA'S VOICE ON Certain ISSUES AND OTHER PRESIDENTS VOICES AS WELL ON CERTAIN ISSUES. I'm getting tired of repeating myself to dumb black and brown persons, racist persons who are ignorant, dumb and uneducated. I am a NAACP Public Figure, Presidential status voice, Life Coach, Business Owner, Book author, and other, SOOOOOOOO, JOKES AND LAWSUITS ON YOU, NOT ME.





 (All Lives Matter is legitimate, and it means that "all lives matter" to an extent, so don't go running around acting like it's something else, use common sense when doing things folks. Black lives in relation to those that had family that actually went through slavery matters more, those types had hands in the building of the Aerica we know today.. I don't support nothing anti-government or Marxist communism based including Black & Brown, Black Lives Matter, whether I listened to Tupac music or not ((music is always universal, I never supported Tupac/Afeni Shakur anti-government views or anybody else anti-government)), they openly took part in the anti-government White House dealings, including riots, outta the blue since I got my USA Presidential status voice-- I'm sure these types of nutcases attacked me, Barack Obama, and others; anybody that's government based since Marxist communist minded persons main goal is to overthrow the government by any means (********Patrisse Cullers -- bunch of dirty homeless bums followed this Patrisse/Black Lives Matter -- which is a brain damaged schizophrenia legacy bloodline along with other LGBTQIA founders & founders of Black Lives Matters and others are doing some type of Marxist/Communist ideology while they got American Red Cross staff/volunteer's supporters of Black Lives Matter/Black & Brown LGBTQ with a Marxist founder? I surely don't want to be associated with anyone/companies/organizations supporting Marxist/Communism ideals while doing work or volunteering."(Communism, as in a violent takeover of the government or government structure to start an authoritarian type of government?; example of communist run bodies of government: Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and others)" that stuff which is not my flavor at all nor am I supporting any type of Marxist/Communism. I'm sure Elon Musk posted a few things about Capitalism, Socialism, Communism or other with Javier Milei's World Economic Forum speech that he commented on via "X", and other stuff while discussing DEI with Mark Cuban. Is DEI another form of Affirmative Action? Seems like it to me and I'm sure others agree. I think diversity is important but to what extent do we go to include diversity? Because giving a retard, learning disability, autistic person a job that is for a person with non-learning disability educations is just dumb---Black Lives Matter or any other legacy, including my Original Black Panthers/MOVE members that I was never active in nor supported, will never top my active NACCP PRESIDENT/FOUNDER VA legacy ever, re read that.. I have always been an active part of my NAACP legacy and never been active in the other legacies I have or that are a part of my life by way of other family members... so anyone saying I am apart of anti-government is a liar or doesn't know me or my kids to begin with...we don't support anything anti-government ) is not my thing at all, it comes off as ill-mannered/all about LGBTQIA folks (I'm not LGBTQIA at all, never have been but I did support passing gay marriage laws across all 51 states along with Barack Obama and others, that's where LGBTQIA stops in my life unless its business..I'm not anti-gay at all and never will be but they need to respect my boundaries just as everyone else has to, I'm presidential status, and they're not). I'm not supporting any type Marxist ideology NOR ALL ABOUT GAY LIFE ORGANIZATIONS AS BLACK LIVES MATTER FOCUSES ON. Plus plenty white people support helping NAACP black heritage, desegregation efforts worldwide, not just my legacy (the LGBTQ community which most are SCAM ARTIST, Black Lives Matter main focus is scamming, look at all the Black Lives Matter leaders getting arrested for fraud, scams, misuse of funds, and other); my legacy in VA which consists of President/Founder of the VA NACCP took part in Brown v Education enforcement --my legacy is not the only one out there with this type Founder/President status within the NAACP either; I am not LGBTQ community at all, never was and I'm not allowing for anyone especially LGBTQ folks to bully me or fraudly label me, my kids transgender or LGBTQIA and attack us intentionally as these folks have done using illegal actions/illegal foster care, adoption orphan services/pedophile, rapist actions. I'm not Beyonce or Rihanna, I go online and directly to theee USA President with what laws I support and want, as well as letting them know about all the illegally done attacks on me or my kids !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My BFF from Seton Hill University, who's a smart white boy/girl gay girl, who would never allow me to be bullied by anyone in any way, (she already told me to stay out the LGBTQ communities unless business because she does gay/LGBTQ, not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is my main reason for interacting with the gay community in a business manner along with supporting gay marriage.. My gay BFF got me through a "KKK rally" attack while we attended Seton Hill University years back, so gay marriage is the least I could give back to her; I don't need LGBTQ community to survive, never have....ME and Barack Obama, along with others, supported gay marriage RIGHTS for all 50 plus 1 states, it was written in {watch and see how LGBTQ reacts, priceless because a few LGBTQ are a lil dumber than I first imagined, especially to be attacking "me" while I'm actively USA presidential voice on certain issues such as stopping racism, stopping police abuse/corruption, etc which the LGBTQ community experiences plenty of police abuse as I can see same as some others--- in addition to speaking about stopping police abuse worldwide, I was saying for the police (police never gave a crap about the LGBTQ and prolly never will, its life) to stop intentional attacks on LGBTQ and help them solve these crimes against LGBTQ community folks inside and outside of the LGBTQ community but since so many gay attacked me its prolly not gonna work in favor of gays--- so me and  Barack Obama saying stop the police abuse is for everyone to benefit from, it's just that police abuse happens to blacks more}, and gay marriage was an addition to history that I had "hands" on getting done in reality ((I supported writing in gay marriage from a business standpoint, personal standpoint due to my WHITE female gay BFF ASSISTING IN saving my life while attending Seton Hill University & my being a target for the "KKK" leaders/followers, SHE WOULD BE THE ONLY GAY PERSON I WONNA SEE MARRIED IN REALITY---- I NEVER TALK ABOUT OF MY LEGACIES TO NO ONE PRIOR TO ILLEGAL FOSTER CARE ADOPTION ORPHAN SERVICES , and don't condone these LGBTQIA folks attacking authentic church/Muslim/other religions or the opposite sex or children to be spiteful, they can get their own religion, sports, other started as no one has to accept LGBTQIA at all-- me, my kids aren't LGBTQIA, never will be but I reserve my right to openly do business with LGBTQIA as I see fit--- THEY ARE GAY TODAY AND NOT TOMORROW THEY DONT RUN NOBODIES LIFE BUT A WARD PATIENTS, BUMS, AIDS PATIENTS)), get my point: a "law" that was written into the history of America, non-fictional"(look at the abortion laws, once was written in and became a part of history, non-fiction events and was then taken outta law and allowed to be stopped in certain states or governed by the government)...Pssssstttt- I was making history before LGBTQ was ever passed via 51 states, which no gay person was able to achieve, once Barack Obama started using his voice to talk for me personally to the "World" on certain issues I wrote into him about. (On another note- everyone ain't go through slavery, including most of the AFRICANS FROM AFRICA THAT think THEY better than me/black folk- YOU AFRICANS FROM AFRICA AREN'T BETTER THAN BLACK HERITAGE FOLKS OR ME, NEVER WILL BE. I GOT OLE PRESIDENT WHITE MAN BLOODLINE DUE TO SLAVERY OF MY ANCESTORS, MY GRAMMIES MOM, AND HER MOMMA AND HER MOMMAS MOMMA...THE WORLD IS MINES NINO BROWN​🌍, on certain issues), and other---yeah that's me talking when Barack Obama or other presidents are talking like that about certain stuff that I verified as me telling them about...I still have my own personal voice though; >) 



***All writing for this website is done in an informal format; source- Sadiyyah Delores Founder/President


An Influential, experienced professional Life Coaching business owner with a focus in the following specialty areas: Mental Health/Emotional Wellness (Weight Loss Focused), Renewed Mindset (Build Self Confidence/Self Esteem), Herbal Cleansing (rid yourself of toxins) & Styling (Runway Fashion & Career Fashion-Daily Wear, Business Causal). I have a proven track record of motivating individuals that are aspirant or established entrepreneurs to achieve inimitable success in their personal & professional lives. I offer a divergent set of services based on my personal, educational & work-related experiences in a private, discreet setting. Having a bird's eye view of how to assist with changing adverse situations enables me to provide personalized coaching solutions that help my clients break through barriers, overcome limiting point of views that leads to SECURE various income sources GIVING WAY TO financial freedom. 

Meet Sadiyyah Delores


Established in 2022

Sadiyyah Delores Creative Solutions LLC owner holds an Associates of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree with a concentration in Psychology/2011 & currently working towards a (A.A.S.) degree with a concentration in Addictions/2024--both (A.A.S.) degree credits will be applied towards my BS degree in Psychology in the near future; minors in accounting, macroeconomics/microeconomics, public relations, & business management. Owner also holds accredited certifications in NLP Practitioner & NLP Life Coaching, accredited {IACET} Life & Wellness Coaching training along with holding PA Certifications in Peer Specialist and WRAP specialist services with a focus on trauma informed care. Sadiyyah Delores Creative Solutions started offering services by way of private contracts in early 2000's involving G.E.D. tutoring & private assistant; customers requested services continuously after that. Now my services are offered worldwide. No counseling is done regardless of pre-set description, only mentoring/coaching services offered. Sadiyyah Delores has also held agents at the following acting & modeling agencies: Wilhelmina Philadelphia and Mainline. 

 ICON Presidential VA NAACP Branch President legacy 

Public Figure


(NAACP generation to generation) (Colonel/Chaplain/USA Army Veteran, Brown v Education, Civil Rights, Teacher of Biology & Chemistry) (on certain issues such as education, science, & other) given to me at birth by Maude C. Green & Dr Calvin C. Green | ICON USA Presidential status Barack Obama Public Figure voice ((on certain issues such as stopping police abuse, stopping racism, legalizing marijuana, valuing college education, Veteran SSA appeal rights, stopping "KluKluxKlan" events (with 45th President Donald Trump, 46th President Joe Biden helping), & other issues)) given to me by 44th President Barack Obama

 Thanks to all my fans & supporters, y'all are forever in my heart.

Founder & President Sadiyyah Delores Creative Solutions LLC 

                        Sadiyyah Delores


On another NOTE- Check out Gender Equity v Gender Equality;(Gender equity' is the process to achieve gender equality--source

Patrisse Cullors

Patrisse Cullors resigns from Black Lives Matter Organization.

Current Vice President Kamala Harris's mother divorced her Marxist minded father when Kamala was a child.

KamalaHarris dad
Equity & Equailty

Delonte West, former MAVS basketball player star, and his positive transformations done on my behalf with Mark Cuban, others assisting. ​ --------------------------------------------------------------------------CLICK on the image to see more on the saving of DELONTE WEST-----> ​Former NBA guard Delonte West lands job at rehab facility where he was treated, report says ( ​ Delonte West Gets Flooring Job After Panhandling In Streets ( ​ Delonte West Agrees To Pay $100 To Close Out Police Station Meltdown Case ( ​ Police officer who took video of Delonte West in handcuffs gets suspended -

  •  Some people I assisted with a transformation in the past include people such as Delonte West, former Mavs & NBA standout, whom I volunteered my services to "BRIEFLY" (I don't do free services at all usually, it's rare for me to do them but I do at times, Delonte West was an exception). That one situation where I saw Delonte, a former basketball player who has education and still has celebrity status, was at risk while out in the streets and "I wanted him to get help ASAP". Everybody laughed and joked while Delonte was going through his mental health/drug addict issues, but I wasn't laughing, nor did I think it was funny that he was going through that type of mental health situation while being on the streets (I watch stuff at times and see what's going on first before I jump in). Nobody was laughing and joking about Delonte West making them money when he was playing good basketball games and doing positive stuff. All these others, such as Will Smith, the rappers son who supports MOVE organizations and others they deal with, catering to scam artist homeless bums used to living on the streets and scamming people for money/other, ward patients who don't want to get better or take control of their mental health issues, drug addicts who want to get high while in safe houses and not go to rehab, or scam artist/repeat offenders who do the same stuff over, over, over again that get slaps on the wrist and released while using mental health court....They got celebrities on the streets suffering through major life issues/crisis's, domestic violence, or other doesn't sound right/these vegan eaters and their supporters like paranoid Dice Raw supported trap house drug dealing, MOVE members such as Pam Africa dealing with Harry Belafonte, Meek Mill M.O.B. squads along with a few others were attacking Barack Obama/me as well, saying Barack Obama wasn't a citizen, had a fake birth certificate, asking what he gonna do for the black heritage community, and other foul stuff (to attack Barack Obama is to attack my voice on certain issues, which is attacking me) and I'm not supporting none of them who attacks Barack Obama who speaks on stopping police abuse/police corruption in and out of the criminal justice system, ending racism, valuing education, legalizing marijuana, allowing LGBTQ marriage, and other issues. I am not using anyone for exposure or personal gain, just presenting an example of how my services offered at my "Sadiyyah Delores Creative Solutions LLC" involving motivational techniques works and how I use my services to transform lives for the better. This brief interaction I had with Delonte West, "Mavs Basketball team owner MARK CUBAN" and others who support Delonte West shows how powerful my online presence was while talking to those people or their support systems by way of online posts (Delonte West knows who I am now because Mark Cuban made him pay attention to me, presidential voice status via Barack Obama is me and me only, celebrity status/not a ward patient. Delonte even approached police in his area and talked about presidential stuff DUE TO ME BEING PRESIDENTIAL voice via Barack Obama and helping him get off the streets via request to his supporters mainly Mark Cuban; Delonte is not presidential at all, I am. "Delonte shaking stuff up because he knows that I helped him and I'm presidential voice status via Barack Obama", pay attention---that's why he running around hollering presidential, Barack Obama- he knows he isn't presidential..he said he was the president but he knows he not....I am though.....). "Delonte West's former Dallas Mavericks Basketball team owner MARK CUBAN (appeared on the show Shark Tank) got Delonte West off the streets and made him pay attention to my website, social media posts and what I wanted for him while Delonte's former Mavs team owner helped him pursue his transformation in a timely manner on my behalf." Delonte West changed his bad habits, alcohol or drug addictions, gained employment at a rehab center, and transformed his life upon my request. Delonte West was a celebrity at risk and I know how that can be for many sports players who have fallen into addiction patterns, with or without mental health issues. ******* Even if Delonte's recovery was stopped (Delonte relapsed without my services being involved directly as I allowed the others to assist him once I got the "get help initiative" started, which included getting help, getting off the streets, getting into rehab treatment, and gaining employment with other stuff. I wanted to see Delonte doing acting, commercials, and modeling until he got back into some type of basketball career, others wanted him to get 9-5 jobs. Either way he put forth the effort to make his transformation one he was successful at. Delonte still got into the rehabbing, transformation zone by my request..) by unknown forces, he still had the desire to change for a better lifestyle, health, and well-being based on my presence, along with others assisting, for him to transform his mindset so he could get out of a bad situation and better his life overall. My services do work if you want it to work by following my program steps. ******That's the type of life coaching I specialize in, life transformations that have a lasting effect overall. {(no sex dating, not the type of dating that "Draya" was accused of during a "Wendy Williams" interview- Draya went along with being called a hoe & sleeping with all the men in the industry/being passed around like meat on her own preference and everybody can see it in the industry and out the industry; I'm wondering if "Draya" agreed out of truth, fear, or agreed out of not wanting to feed into Wendy's drama tactics and to shut her up {I know plenty people including myself who say "yeah okay" "sure whatever you say" just to get a "defamation" calling trash wack job show host out their faces, what the person said don't have to be true at all--- but "Draya" cold heartedly agreed, no sarcasm involved}, either way Draya agreed with it, that sounds like defamation if it weren't true, attacks if it weren't true as in my case or other cases, but Draya definitely agreed to it and even spoke on her dating several folks with sex involved...again all dating doesn't include sex, it's an investment in the person you are dating and goes both ways)} I dated a basketball player at St. Joseph in Philly back in my high school years that was on his way to the pro's and I wasn't allowed to get emancipated at all to get further involved with him. Delonte West attended St. Joseph University in Philadelphia at one point after I dated another St. Joseph ball player, so he knows what I'm talking about even if I never dated Delonte, I dated a former St. Joseph ball player overall. I DONT USUALLY INVEST TIME IN HELPING JUST ANYBODY FOR NO FEE/free PRO BONO, I SEE POTENTIAL IN DELONTE WEST, I would have wanted to see him go into modeling, acting, commercials though. ((HE IS the same ZODIAC SIGN LEO LIKE MY MOM BUT MY NEVER USED the type of drugs West used or others may have used in their lifetime, so they both have potentials beyond what others think or see...when my mom couldn't do right by me she gave me to my aunt T. Burkes who was around me since I was a baby almost. My aunt installed business, morals, & money in me while keeping me focused on my educations and my life as a young lady without boys being around me who couldn't afford me nor were worthy of my time, as well as taking me away from all the drama/abuse others brought to me because drama wasn't paying me so it was irrelevant...)) OVERALL AND HE NEEDED ME TO SPEAK UP FOR HIM... GET BETTER DELONTE, even if he relapses, he needs to try again, again, again until he stays drug free, with stable mental health. I "NEVER support these types unless I'm getting paid handsomely or put anything past" a brain damaged drug addict crack rock smoker/meth smoker/other, homeless bums used to living on the streets including LGBTQIA, juveniles or not; convicted felons who can't vote yet they down city hall in Philadelphia and other acting like they the shiiiiii when they know they not; brain damaged homeless bum living on the streets or in/outta the shelters just because; brain damaged alcoholic; brain damaged autistic/retards; brain damaged ward patient mental health; brain damaged delusional LGBTQIA (brained damaged illegal gun carrier schizophrenia delusional Perc Xanax Lean drug addict drug dealer trap house reject retarded trash nutcase fraud prostitute lover penis sucking lover like Meek Mill squads / so called THINK HE smart rapper Dice Raw squads who supported anti-government openly with his supporters including LGBTQIA, trap house reject nutcases are all down city hall in Philadelphia, center city, & other like they run the city, bunch of dumb azz rappers and their supporters ---who couldn't vote nor wanted to vote.....WHAT MADE HALF OF THESE RAPPERS, ACTORS, OTHERS RUN TO THE WHITE HOUSE, WHEN THEY CANT VOTE TO BEGIN WITH???????) - most can't vote due to felony charges from crimes they actually committed nor cared to vote--so couldn't vote and went against me, start with that first; look at dumb azz nutcase beat down church fraud brain damaged Michelle Simmons and her supporters, they like to get me arrested for no reason at all, along with drug addict prostitute retarded church fraud brain damaged drug addict Latino lover Bernadette Pettigrew, nutcase Tony Lew's with Meek Mill squads bike life ATV, dirt bike ridas ----->>>>>>> (reformed or not, relapse is always their #1 issue with any drug addict, alcoholic). *******I don't even like dealing with drug addicts/alcoholics, mentally unstable brain damaged ward patients/retards/autistics/homeless bums, foster care & adoption staff/parents, LGBTQIA, immigrants/refugees/undocumented persons, Jewish persons, anti-government (current or former members/supporters), drug dealers, prostitutes, juvenile delinquents, gang bangers (current or former) persons or other in any type of personal manner unless I'm getting paid, paid handsomely at that (family or not), doing business, or in an emergency situation (that goes for Muslims/fuslims, church frauds, or places of worship in Philadelphia or Montgomery County PA--- I'm only dealing with my VA NAACP legacy bloodline church folks in a personal manner) . I'm allergic to myself when I'm broke so you know I'm not into the broke ones... I helped money/CELEBRITY (Delonte West) get off the streets via PRO BONO services, NOT my helping A BUM THAT I WASNT GETTIN PAID TO ASSIST, don't ever forget that. I'm not knocking those who assist other types getting off the streets either, it's just not my thing especially if those persons needing assistance aren't active or formerly active veterans or they don't exhibit the desire or potential to grow in life or change for the better. My drug addict uncle Lawrence and drunk dummy Hope Phillips stole from my grammies in a drug filled rage, my aunt T. Burkes got dragged down the steps while pregnant by her drug addict kids father, so guess what don't test me .. I don't put nothing past the (people with theses former/current issues except my BFF gay girl or the non-gay folks I "endorsed" on my website -- trust is earned, it can be broken in a second) celebrities/sports players & owners, NAACP elected in/out, police/judges/lawyers, city staff/government staff/USA president that's not "my voice" or anyone who doesn't have my voice or persons who don't support my voice or me (all of a student these antigovernment supporters wonna support attacking the president/white house that's attacking me vice versa), greedy persons, drug dealer especially who ain't feeding me/my kids, ******drug addict, anti-government, religion frauds, convicted felons/non felon, "white supremist/racist/bullies towards me/my kids or blacks", stripper/prostitutes (male or female), immigrants/refugee, LGBTQIA folks, homeless bums or their lovers ((in the shelter or on the streets 98% ain't legit DV victims, illegal evictions, etc that's in the shelter to begin with, they irresponsible)), gang bangers, brain damaged autistic/brain damaged ward patients, and others----*************** I don't put nothing past nobody, especially these brained damaged drug addicts, delusional alcoholic, brain damaged crack rock smokers, brain damaged ward patient, brain damaged autistic/retarded, prostitute types ever. Trust is Earned and few Earned my TRUST....

#Philadelphia, Montgomery County PA black and brown low lives should have been attacking the naacp staff like #NAACP Mondesire who were ripping them dumb folks off right in their own neighborhoods instead of attacking me, my kids with illegal actions.. my #naacp legacy been invested in black peoples, colored folks since before I was born.... Thats my voice #Army #Veteran #Colonel #VA #NAACP legacy voice I'm using, and i got the right to use it same way I can use my USA presidents voice.... #beyonce got a door to door legacy not me, her or her hubby #JAYZ ain't #USA Presidential; #JayZ ain't nothing but a wack job drug dealer (past or current) turned rapper.. now they catering to low life LGBTQIA, LGBTQIA prostitutes turned rappers like eve the rapper, cardib... 😂 😆 I dont knock anyone's hustle, though, just dont knock mines...


  • CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE MORE ON THE HISTORICAL PHILADELPHIA MOVE BOMBINGS OF 1985 where MOVE members assisted in the killings of innocent babies & adults by underestimating the police, city officials, others by not surrendering to save lives while the racist former Mayor Rizzo and others who supported him, biased Philadelphia police, City Hall staff and city residents attacked, murdered their organizations members, including the children/babies, in cold blood {WACO Texas, Bible lovers cult, was not an reenactment of MOVE bombings but worse because that Davidian leader BIBLE LOVER got what he wanted and still put the lives of folks that wanted to be with him in the grave}; I NEVER  supported any type of anti-government groups, or pro-life groups in my life and never will. THIS STILL IS A PART OF MY LIFE IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER EVEN THOUGH I NEVER DID SUPPORT THESE ORGANIZATIONS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOBODY WONNA BE RAP LEGEND nutcase fraud flunkie DICE RAW---I hate him for that, who told him to be doing anti-government anyways!!!! I couldn't continue to date him like that/I'm presidential status with a presidential voice on certain issues, I don't support nothing anti-government!!!! The Roots, Afro pick Quest Love SQAUDS, WHICH INCLUDES TRAP HOUSE REJECT NUTCASES Gilliedakid squads who called me a retard/he ain't say that to my face he typed that online to me directly and when I saw him in person he said nothing; Latinos gang bangers Perc Xanax Lean Meek Mill squads and their dumb supporters/DUMB LGBTQIA FLUNKIES doing anti-government/communism, AIDS/HIV DISEASES SUPPORTERS, SUPPORTED MUMIA ABU JAMAL OPENLY WHICH SUPPORTS MOVE MEMBERS, WHOM ARE ALL ANTI-GOVERNMENT frauds. Meek Mill dumb self couldn't even vote, so how stupid do people supporting him look... CAN MUMIA VOTE IN AN ELECTION? HAS HIS ANTI-GOVERNMENT LEGACY GIVEN BACK TO COMMUNITIES WHILE SUPPORTING MOVE MEMBERS, WHO DON'T GIVE BACK NOTHING BUT DIRT & ILLEGALLY MURDERING BABIES WHILE lying to say IT'S ALL THE POICE FAULTS, TALKING ABOUT EAT VEGGIES AND LIKING BUMS ON THE STREETS/squatting in houses as the normal (Phil Africa, my uncle, didn't come from the type of background as Ramona Africa, others) ...Could Meek Mill vote? Can #gilliedakid vote? Can Wallace Peeple's vote? COULD DUMB FELON GEORGE FLOYD VOTE? Can Donald Trump vote due to a prostitute whore's actions along with his own team's actions? I DON'T THINK SO, HE AIN'T NO ICON (THEY ARE EMBRASSING THESE BRAIN DAMAGED DELUSIONAL BLACK TRASH WITH THIS GEORGE FLOYD AN ICON WITH HIS ICON DAUGHTER, THEY GONNA START WIPING THESE TYPES AND THESE LATINOS, AFRICANS FROM AFRICA OFF THE EARTH)




Meanwhile these clowns sitting there trying force me to say I'm not bloodline to MOVE members (no MOVE member gave anything back to the communities except for my uncle Phil Africa USA solider Veteran himself with our Presidential VA NAACP legacy first, none of these anti-government hold any type of brown v education enforcement legacy except for Phil Africa within MOVE organizations, they are nobodies in MOVE except for Phil Africa-- John Africa was who they praised in MOVE, not Phila Africa, Phil Africa was above "John Africa" retarded low IQ veteran legacy when it came to legacies/Original Black Panthers (they had the breakfast program for kids, I'm betting they ain't allow babies or innocent kids non gang related to get murdered without surrendering as Ramona Africa and theee others did while murdering my family in that bombing, it wasn't just the police , it was them as well lead by Ramona Africa, other adults )

MEMBERS WITHiN THESE organizations by certain members like Phil Africa, others or tryna force me to say (even though ME/MY KIDS are not ACTIVE NOR DO WE SUPPORT THOSE anti-government GROUPS some of my family are involved in actively) I am fighting at the police physically while they protect these same police/blue blood groups whom are intentionally attacking me, my kids physically or verbally-- biggest gang in the world are the police and I am not protecting criminals who keep committing the same type crimes over and over and over either, I'm speaking on illegal police activities worldwide, that need to stop, how can they truly protect citizens when they are turning a back to inside police corruption? (GANGS I'M NOT APART OF AND NEVER SUPPORTED gangs, it's another way to kill off black heritage and Latinos, "who both were subjected to segregation tactics"; why not force these gangs to work together/peace treaty for good while making money or pushing anti-gang initiatives and put down the guns to fight in the boxing ring instead when they have issues amongst themselves instead of doing drive bys or massive shootings). Meanwhile the police/sheriffs/judges/lawyers/school principals are attacking me/my kids with these illegally done cases; it's my bloodline ANTI GOVERNMENT legacy either way (I SEE THEY ARENT ATTACKING KIM KARDASIANS LEGACY BLOODLINE BLACK PANTHER BABIES OR KANYE WEST in the manner they are attacking ME AND MY KIDS, we don't claim no active type antigovernment organizations at all), ME/MY KIDS ARE NOT  SUPPORTING ANTI GOVERNMENT MOVE MEMBERS--- Ramona Africa and her supporters that were present the day of the MOVE bombings are illegal baby killers right with the police, their neighbors, RIZZO, and others from the city hall staff in Philadelphia/BLACK PANTHER MEMBERS/OTHER NOR DO WE SUPPORT COMMUNISM FOCUSED/LEAD BLACK LIVES MATTER GROUPS, NEVER HAVE, SAMETHING WITH GANGS & GANG BANGERS, WE DONT SUPPORT ANYTHING LIKE THAT; they are also tryna force me to say I'm not Barack Obama voice on certain issues when even my graduating college president Dr. Stout knows that much and it has been verified with Barack Obama who contacted my college to make them aware of who I am (HIS VOICE ON CERTAIN ISSUES) ON HIS OWN FREE WILL. I am not an active MOVE/Original Black Panther member/I don't support antigovernment groups (past/current-they do them, I do me, my anti legacy supports me via PHIL AFRICA ONLY- THESE FOLKS SUPPORTING ANTI GOVERNMENT, ILLEGAL GUN CARRIERS DRUG DEALER DRUG ADDICT SCAM ARTST CHAKAFATTAH SUPPORTERS SUPPORTING ON THE STREETS JUVENILE DELINQUENT GANG BANGERS DON'T SUPPORT ME OR MY KIDS since THEY ARE SUPPORTING MOVE members, DICE RAW SQUADS-- ANTI GOVERNMENT MUMIA ABU JAMAL, MEEK MILL, CARDI B, OTHERS like Doris Peace/Julian Washington and their supporters whom are Meek Mill bike life supporters helped kidnap my kids USING illegal scam foster care and adoption ORPHAN services, ORPHANED MY KIDS AFTER ABUSING MY KIDS USING FUSLIMS/CHURCH FRUADS, ANTI GOVERNMENT FIST PUMPING NUTCASES, GANG BANGERS/THEIR SUPPORTERS, JUVENILE DELINQUENTS, SCHOOL STAFF FROM POTTSTOWN/NORRISTOWN/PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL DISTRICT, ANTI GOVERNMENT SUPPORTERS, INMATES/JAILHOUSE STAFF, PROSTITUTES, PHILADELPHIA SHELTER STAFF/RESIDENTS, CITY HALL IN PHILADELPHIA & MONTGOMERY COUNTY PA STAFF, LAW ENFORCEMENT IN PHILA/MONTGOMERY COUNTY PA,VETERANS, AND OTHERS). I speak TO THE PRESIDENTS directly about helping to stop police abuse/police corruption/police misconduct, racism, VALUING A COLLEGE EDUCATION, controlling undocumented immigrants/migrants by building the wall/enforcing citizenship requirements AND OTHER, then the Presidents speak on my certain issues using their voices to spread my topics. Certain judges pick put certain positive posts I make that are political in nature or can help the judicial system and help make them into laws/rules, example: I made a controversial political comment about requiring MUSLIM women remove face niqab/burka when in courts or in schools when picking up children along with showing ID after the little Muslim girl was kidnapped by a woman, wearing face niqab/MUSLIM GARBS/Burkha (Chruch frauds, Jewish folks, Jehovah Witness involved with Tracy Senheah & Ohio, Muslim fraud women need to stay outta my face with the ill-mannered comments/actions after supporting illegal foster care, adoption services against me involving my kids whom were molested, mutilated , abused while in forced illegal foster care, adoption orphanhood services because these Muslims never reported anything yet they support having sex with lil boys as a tradition, so these Muslims need to keep their hubbies outta lil boy butts and outta my face...Jewish people that involved with LGBTQIA delusional Bernadete Pettigrew, Takia Young need to keep their moths off of lil babies penises and outta my face) , fraudly acting like she was a Muslim at Philadelphia Pa school district. The little girl got away from her kidnappers and was found in Cobbs Creek, it made the news Christina Regusters: Daycare worker, 19, charged with kidnap and rape of girl, 5, who she abducted from school disguised as her burkha-clad mother | Daily Mail Online (a person has to be in a real hate filled mindset, retaliatory mindset to sodomize a person especially a child--- I'm wondering why these people who did this to a Muslim parents Muslim child didn't take out their anger against terroristic Muslims instead? ----- my children were practicing Islam when they were forced into illegal foster care and adoption services under a thief fraud church goer. My children were taught the bible as children as well but at the time of these illegal actions my children were Islam practicing in the process of converting/entering scientology religion for spiritual well-being as I am a practicing scientologist... I was no longer an American Muslim woman (I still respected my church family that I have plenty of as my NACCP legacy is church based. I attended services with my church legacy from time to time, they respect my choice of religion and vice versa, but I kept going back to Islam for some reason) that I was raised as when these illegal actions took place, I was practicing scientology. I chose to stop practicing Islam way before these illegal actions took place because I didn't want to disrespect the Islam religion with my acting, modeling and other. These church goers were fraudly labeling us terrorist Muslims, that's false information, on top of them not being my moms side of the family at all or knowing my family because that I would never be, and they know that ...that is not good for anyone; I am the Presidential voice of Barack Obama on certain issues, as well as other presidents, so how can I be a terrorist Muslim, we aren't Muslim--- we have Muslim family members but we aren't Muslim ), then a judge told a Muslim woman to take the face niqab/burkha off her face when in court giving evidence, Judge compromises over niqab for Muslim woman in dock | Law | The Guardian >>>>>> 



If my family bloodline legacy highly decorated USA solider NAACP President & Founder, Civil Rights Activist, Science Teacher Dr. Calvin Coolidge Green legacy (I walk in his footsteps with my love of science and other) ain't help to enforce/take over Brown V Education court ruling, then no Black heritage bloodline would have had the opportunity to attend predominately white schools "nowhere" in America or worldwide because they were "ignoring" the Historical Brown v Education court decision; No black heritage person walking would be able to enjoy desegregation within their communities/schools/workplace/housing Charles C. Green v. County School Board of New Kent County, 391 U.S. 430 (1968) - Middlesex County Museum and Historical Society ( article written by the Honorable Patricia Polson Satterfield, Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York (Ret.)-- source Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society. Go check out some of the other cool stuff my legacy had in government sites Calvin Coolidge Green · Virginia ChangemakersI was verified as family bloodline to Dr. Calvin Coolidge Green prior to anything being put on Wavy News station in VA once I contacted WAVY News in VA about illegal actions being done towards me and my children for no reason at all. News stations in Philadelphia or Montgomery County Pa ignored me, the same way NACCP branches in Philadelphia/Montgomery County Pa, Derrick Johnson in NACCP National branch ignored me as well. I thank Barack Obama, Michelle Obama soooo much for not ignoring me when I personally wrote into him via certified letter. Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are now officially apart of my legacy and vice versa! These the only authentic church folks I deal with, ones connected to my VA legacy.




USA President via Barack Obama used his voice/power to speak for me personally to discuss certain issues with the world/others that I want them to hear based on my letters to him. Some of my topics that Barack Obama has used his voice to speak on my behalf about include Lgbtqia marriages in 51 states, stopping police abuse, stopping racism, valuing education/college degree, & more. History was made when former President BARACK OBAMA gave me his voice to use. Former President Donald Trump helped me to extend veterans appeals rights, discussed stopping "KKK" organizations while allowing me to use his voice to speak on certain issues. President Joe Biden is doing education on my behalf. The only active legacy I'm part of is my VA NAACP legacy via my grand uncle Dr. Calvin C. Green (HIGHLY decorated USA veteran, civil rights activist, teacher--that's the type veterans I deals with, not the ward patients on the streets bums or homeless in a shelter bums, low IQ veterans like meek mill and others dealing with but I WILL HELP THEM IF THEY NEED HELP, ENJOY YOUR EXTENDED VETERANS APPEALS RIGHTS LAWS WITH SSA, TINY HOUSES THAT ME & FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP & OTHERS GOT FOR YALLS) being the Founder/President of his VA branch, involved with Brown v Education which has helped end 🌎 segregation in housing, schools, & communities for well over 50 yrs. I'm not a supporter of anti-government, never have been. NO LGBTQIA/gays, AFRICANS FROM AFRICA that are still in Africa saying they are African not black, LATINOS, PROSTITUTES/strippers trash, JEWISH (this is way different than Christians) FOLKS, DIRTY SQUATTING MOVE MEMBERS, BLACK PANTHERS, other ANTI GOVERNMENT organizations such as black lives matter communism supporters, RAPPERS/ACTORS who get NAACP awards from my PART OF MY LEGACY, AUTISTICS/retards/learning disabled persons (who only care about their disabilities rights), "GANG BANGERS", WACKED OUT IRRESPONSIBLE HOMELESS BUMS living on the streets/shelters, WARD PATIENTS, DUMB IGNORANT PHILADLEPHIA OHS staff & SHELTER STAFF, DRUG DEALERS, DRUG ADDICTS/reformed drug addicts brain damaged persons, ELECTED IN/OUT NAACP/ACLU leaders FROM MONTGOMERY COUNTY PA/ PHILADELPHIA/national level NAACP with Derrick Johnson (that refused to assist with my cases YET RAN TO HELP LGBTQIA Jussie Smollet that lied), Montgomery County Pa courthouse staff, CITY HALL STAFF in Philadelphia, the young family/VALERIE YOUNG/FUSLIM DIRTY DELUSIONAL DYKE WARD PATIENT UNWANTED FOSTER KID, RIGHT WITH GAY HER SIBLINGS NUTCASES TAKIA YOUNG/OTHER YOUNG'S (whom are un DNA tested persons, can't legally claim me, say nothing about me at all due my not being DNA tested along with my not dealing with them in any type personally manner, as none of my so called dads kids are DNA tested...AND HIS FAMILY NEVER LIKED ME DUE TO THEM BEING DRUNK PROJECT BUMS / MY BEING BORN A CELEBRITY EXCEPT FOR NANA, WHO ALWAYS BACKED ME UP), POLICE/detectives/narcotics police/sheriffs, scam artist trash supporting juvenile delinquent gang banger retards CHAKA FATTAH FLUNKIES, MUSLIM OR CHURCH FRAUDS (as I don't deal with any type strange people from these types groups in that personal manner they could be hiding behind the Quran or the Bible with ill intentions, as these persons who attacked me, my kids were doing) DID NOTHING FOR MY VA NAACP LEGACY at all or active NAACP legacy achieved the unthinkable.. RUBBING ELBOWS WITH THE GREATS LIKE Martin Luther King SQUADS. I follow in my grand uncle Dr Green's footsteps, NACCP greatness generational wealth and control, it's passed down through CERTAIN bloodline family members only, not married in persons or their kids. When I interact with other Presidents or Vice Presidents OR OTHER PERSONS IN MY LIFE, I am doing so as USA 44th BLACK President Barack Obama (AS WELL AS OTHER PRESIDENTS) & Presidential NAACP Public Figure. NOTE- I'm glad the only church legacy I deal with in any type of personal manner is my VA NAACP legacy, same with my kids. We weren't dealing with any Muslims/Mosque in any type of personal manner (when these church frauds and their associates at the post office called me terrorist Muslim when I went to send my letters off to the USA President, I wasn't Muslim at all, my kids were in the process of being converted out of Islam---- so these other Muslims sat back and watched them fraudly label me, MY KIDS terrorist MUSLIMS? While I'm USA President voice on certain issues! I had to repeat that because that's unbelievable), Jewish frauds or church frauds, especially not the ones involved with touching my kids illegally using illegal foster care and adoption orphan services. ((All these illegally done cases were all reported to the USA presidents because the city police, detectives, internal affairs, others refused to help me with these crazy pedophiles touching my kids illegally using inconsistent fraud information, ILLEGAL FAMILY COURT PAPERWORK from people we don't know or illegal arrests using inconsistent fraud information from people I don't know (or the illegal arrest that my mom Darling Phillips took part in while I was in Philadelphia and she an entire mental health nutcase at times) ------ Derrick Phillips gave "intentional" inconsistent testimony in that Philadelphia case that was an illegal arrest, I NEVER ATTACKED HIM & HE KNOWS THAT, SO WHO EVER DID IT IS GONNA END DOA, I REPORTED THAT & OTHER CASES TO THE USA PRESIDENTS ON TOP OF THE FACT THEY BEEN WATCHING ME, MY POSTS, WEBSITES, ETC, I'M THEIR VOICESSSSSSSS (Darling Phillips who "lied" to get a fraud PFA order with the city staff helping with no legit evidence against me for no reason at all after lying to police about my actions in that Philadelphia case which she never saw that day to make me look like a bad person, when I am not) along with NAACP branches in Phila, Montco County Pa, National Level Derrick Johnson (who ran to help a lying gay guy Jussie Smollet) refusing to take my cases. I'm over top of many of these NAACP branches who have elected in/out frauds running their locations...))


face garbs
Calvin Green
Calvin Green
Calvin Green
Hidden History
Dr Green

 Autobiography In Progress

 ((((NO WHITE HOUSE President ASKED FOR ANY CRIMINAL PROSECUTION against me for having White House official paperwork addressed to me personally on official paperwork that UPenn/Philadelphia police helped to steal and not give back during an illegal arrest case that I later won my freedom back due to the arrest being intentionally done while I was going to get my medical records, nor did any police arrest me for being USA PRESIDENTIAL voice on certain issues meaning the USA President speaks for me, he uses his voice to speak for me on certain issues I write to him about that I want the world to hear about  (so he speaks for me, I have USA Presidential voice when I speak to others) NOR was I ever prosecuted for "saying" I have a USA presidential VOICE because it's really my presidential voice on certain issues given to me by Barack Obama NOR was I asked for my OFFICIAL White House PAPERWORK because its legit "historical document" regardless and it's for me only.. I'm USA Presidential property, so anything I have that's stolen is USA Presidential property, prosecuted by law enforcement is what happens, sooo what's the problem America, all these people attacking me should be arrested ASAP...I wasn't supposed to be touched at all, neither were my children...If they attacked me they attacked USA 44th President Barack Obama, that's like attacking Michelle Obama...GET MY POINT...My graduating college Montgomery County Community College already knew who I was at graduation, I been posted up the photos, see portfolio section {UPenn Police in Philadelphia and others stole my official White House paperwork sent to me by Barack Obama when they did an illegal arrest, I won the illegal arrest case and then Philadelphia city hall staff/lawyers refused my legit civil case lawsuit while withholding evidence from the jurors and tried to force me to say I attacked police and was delusional schizophrenia retarded when it's all false}..


>>>>>>> Barack Obama even contacted my graduating college out in Blue Bell Pa (History was made when I got my Barack Obama voice on certain issues way before some law I supported to get gay marriage rights passed via Barack Obama and others who supported Barack Obama); Barack Obama is my main voice although other USA presidents lend me their voices on certain issues as well..***I am President Barack Obama voice on certain issues which makes me GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, SO is my paperwork AND EVERYTHING I OWN OR GIVE BIRTH TOO..


******These persons, agencies, organizations, and others "will be sued" who have been interfering with MY active presidential voice status that has a presidential voice attached, legit business dealings, or hindering my companies progress with illegal acts being done intentionally causing a negative effort on profits and/or other while attacking me for no reason at all using fraudulent diagnosis, scam paperwork in court or other. An assessment is never a diagnosis, nor is it mandatory unless a judge makes it....No judge ever said MANDATORY to me at all......


On another note---- I'm saying everything, everything 2 try and make Jay-Z/Beyonce with others to stop plagiarism offa my ideas to make money and Jay-Z/Beyonce with others won't stop plagiarism/stealing off my posts, website ideas 2 make money while not paying me. Beyonce is a thief just like her father! Beyonce did Fat Albert outfits, OMG, who gave her that bright idea? huh, Fat Albert, come on now, that outfit was hot item though, I must admit that, but they got that idea offa my website, social media posts....I'm they sure Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna knew I went to the USA President voice on certain issues and wouldn't want others stealing their post to make money off of....Music is universal and is therapy as well for many, same as art but I'm sure they pay those whose information they use and give them credit for their work in the process .......These rappers/singers have powerful voices, how are they gonna use it? The presidents are using their voices to speak for me on certain issues I want the world to hear, so I'm using my voice and talents for the good of all mankind as much as possible with their help....It's up to parents to teach their kids to enjoy music and not live out the songs which could be true or made up, poems or poetry put into song form, creative outlets..."WHERE" did  🤟Jayz and  🤟Beyonce get the name IVY from? Or where did  🤟Beyonce get Fat Albert inspired wardrobe from? ..I'm repeating stuff because it's unbelievable that people aren't taking this as reality.. stop it already!!!! y'all need to stop plagiarism offa my posts to make money!!!!...... Liars, thieves Beyonce, JayZ, and other celebrities are watching these local level liars, scammers, nutcases deny my legit lawsuits, my constitutional rights and other, but Beyonce/Jay-Z won't stop stealing/plagiarism off my website, posts to make money while paying attention to my messages in my posts or social media??? Beyonce/JayZ and other celebrities were and are copying off me who holds a presidential voice on certain issues that they support in some ways. They ain't pay me yet for plagiarism/stealing ideas for their own come up though. Rihanna got that Carlos Santana beat from someone ease dropping on me while I was listening to Carlos Santana all the time (because I like Santana's Afro, Cuban, Latin music and his accomplishments) during my time spent staying at the Philadelphia Domestic Violence shelter before that "Wild Thoughts" song even came out. Rihanna hasn't paid me yet for plagiarism either! And look at the LGBTQ community, some have adapted the style of Frida Kahlo, which I adore lots of her artwork and other accomplishments, so LGBTQ folks are paying attention to some stuff I post too. Frida Kahlo is of Native American, Latin, Mexican, German descent. So how can I be anti-immigrant. I was supporting getting illegal undocumented persons documented asap with others helping, but they have to want to help themselves as well. I fully support anti bullying as well, yet these others who support anti bullying, such as Rihanna are sitting there not reporting these illegally done case against me though. Bullying leads to suicidal thoughts, dislike of oneself, isolation, harmful behaviors to themselves or others, and other issues that are self-destructive. I'm just not the one to feed into the devil in that manner because I'm not going through those self-destructive behaviors.

**********I was just suffering from all the trauma these illegally done cases towards me and my kids have caused, racist "KKK" events held towards me and ((the few other black folks in that Greensburg PA town from my past while attending college at Seton Hill University in PA (my family is just finding out about these KKK incidents as the presidents and world found out recently, it was too traumatizing for me to speak of when it first happened) )), police abuse attacks that have caused permanent injuries from them openly attacking me for no reason at all while I'm presidential voice on certain issues, refusal of my legit evidence while in illegally done court cases being done by judges/lawyers/police/narcotics police in these illegally done cases when they know I'm do trap house drug dealer drug addict  🤟Meek Mill squads or his supporters like think retarded rapper  🤟Dice Raw/Gilliedakid/others, Philadelphia shelter system staff/resident attacks on me for no reason when I was just seeking legit services due to legit DOMESTICE VIOLENCE TOWARDS ME whether verbal or physical- minor or major/past PFA abusers are still stalking me/harassing me since the PFA orders stopped yet I have none of their specific whereabouts/info to get updated PFA orders ((the courts have the "old" PFA orders that are in these guys names ordering them to stay away from me for over 5 years and they still continued to stalk me, illegally ASSIST WITH orphaning my kids using others (including Philadelphia shelter staff/domestic violence shelter staff/residents) now that the PFA orders are over and I don't know there whereabouts are to date, its 2024 and I can't find these people to get updated PFA orders, and they are all supporting these illegal cases against me; they both attended court these guys that I had PFA's against  ((PFA liar (fraud ward patient) weed head drug addict Darling Phillips from Philadelphia got fraud PFA's by lying on others with court staff assisting that don't know me, with drug addict bum loving ward patients/philly staff/judges, while trying to protect bum 🤟Hope Phillips and 🤟Meek Mill, prostitutes, others))--- one is Latino schizo nutcase lover 🤟Meek Mill squads Lorraine Jones Stroud son admitted in PFA court that he was aggressive, argumentative, combative (Bipolar) and threw guns in my face in front of my son who was only about 2 years old, my son started fighting him back--I been set up Lorraine Jones Stroud, her son, others dealing with Lorraine Jones Stroud for stalking & harassing me, my kids being abusive, verbally & physically; the other is big buff football player 🤟Derrick J Hill admitted in PFA court that he was aggressive, argumentative, combative (Bipolar) and pushed, shoved me outta frustration, he hates the police though as many black men do-- the only thing Latino schizo nutcase lover 🤟Meek Mill squads Derrick J Hill did right was stop me from being sexually attacked by one of his friends)) and yet these city police/narcotics police, detectives, internal affairs, CIA, FBI other law enforcement/ Mayors/city council staff/court system staff in Philadelphia/Montgomery County PA ((including Domestic Violence Shelter staff/residents--they should have given me my excruciating circumstances requested extension based on special circumstances on my not being able to locate these abusers that had PFA's that are still attacking and using others to attack me, my kids/on top of these same people taking part in illegally orphaning my kids using others to help ((YES I SAID IT THESE POLICE ATTACKED ME, WARD PATIENTS ALONG WITH DARLING PHILLIPS ATTACKED ME, GANGS, OTHERS WHOM ARE INVOLVED IN THESE ILLEGALLY DONE CASES AS WELL AS ANTI GOVERNMENT/LGBTQIA FOLKS/SUPPORTERS-- UET THESE CITY POLICE RAN AORUND WITH THESE ILLEGAL FOSTER CARE/ADOPTION, CHILDREN YOUTH STAFF, JUDGES, LAWYERS, AGENCIES HELPED WHILE FRAUDLY LABELIN ME, MY KIDS HOMELESS BUMS USED TO LIVING ON THE STREET BRAIN DAMAGED SCHIZO BIPOLAR OUTTA CONTROL JUVENILE DELIQNUENT WITH SEXAUL BEHAVIORS, NONE OF THEIR FALSE ACCUSATIONS ARE TRUE YET THE CITY POLICE/INTERNAL AFFAIRS/DETECTIVES REFUSED TO ASSIST ME, MY KIDS, PAST PFA HOLDERS ARE STILL ATTACKING ME, MY KIDS PRESENT DAY, YET I HAVE NO WAY TO FIND THEM, THE COURTS DO HAVE THAT INFORMATION FROM THE OLD PFA'S THOUGH, NO NEW ADDRESS INFO AND THESE FOLKS KEEP MOVING FROM STATE TO STATE, ONE DRIVES TRUCKS)) WHILE THESE PEOPLE WHOM I HAD ACTIVE PFA'S AGAINST IN THE PAST HELPED THEM WITH THESE ATTACKS AND ILLEGALLY DONE CASES, OHS shelter staff/residents (domestic violence shelter, shelter system staff allowing severe mental health brain damaged bums, brain damaged drug addicts used to living on the streets to live in these places while destroying, attacking others verbally/physically, such as me, whom are in need of legit services)((Nobody in these Philadelphia shelter system/OHS--with all their locations, domestic violence shelter staff/residents sat there and lied on me, attacked me verbally/physically, and are after my kids to attack them---and don't know me or my kids at all in any personal manner---- 13th street (Pam Africa is down 13th street WAS ATTACKING BARACK OBAMA, THATS ATTACKING ME) shelter trash, Borad Street Ministries associated LGBTQIA Black trash whore with a pardon from California wack job riding a bike from Gtown Ave/Southwest/south Philly JEVS Michelle Simmons why not prosper church fraud reformed drug addict nutcase bum used to prostituting and living on the street///Michelle Simmons was on these illegally done cases done against me without my consent, illegally that I lost))--I used shelters for the first time in my life due to domestic violence, illegal evictions done by OHS staff, Upenn staff, shelter staff---  🤟Meek Mill (drug dealer drug addict bum rapper using perc xanax lean brain damaged wack job schizo aggressive, argumentative, combative 🤟Meek Mill, LGBTQIA folks black & brown and his supporters were running around fraudly telling white people that I was racist towards white people when I don't deal with none of them in any personal manner, along with  🤟#meekmill and their supporters are going around fraudly calling me, my kids transgenders with AIDS, diseased up prostitutes including the city police), Gilliedakid, other rappers, non-rappers whom supported these rappers along with their family, friends are in the Philadelphia shelters/domestic violence shelters been involved in attacks against me, my kids including illegally orphaning my kids while attacking us....Darling Phillips assisted; whether verbally or physically, indirect or direct)) continued to allow illegal attacks toward me & my kids for no reason at all, illegal eviction extortion cases done by scam landlords with judges allowing it while these folks are dealing with the same  🤟Latino/African from Africa schizo nutcases that helped to illegally orphan my kids, attack us illegally using illegal actions, verbally & physically; other personal attacks on my vehicles/kids/personal belongings were allowed to occur for (me and my kids don't deal with Muslims or church or Jewish that live in Philadelphia or Montgomery County Pa in any personal manner for them to give any info about me or my kids especially negative info) with city police, narcotics police, detectives, FBI, CIA....Everything these flunkies did, down to the arrests, was done illegally using brain damaged schizo bipolar outta control bum transgender juvenile delinquents (juvenile delinquents' adult holders) retarded/autistic drug addict drug dealer perc xanax lean users🤟meekmill squads illegal gun carrier with AIDS, sexual behaviors (as in prostitute) active MOVE members, anti-government supporter unproven false accusations on top of threats they made towards my life and my kids lives; meanwhile the people supporting meekmill (gilliedakid, diceraw, wallo267, others) and meekmill himself was attacking me, my kids as well.


My trauma (PTSD) is a totally different range and type of trauma from others who have PTSD, no delusions or bipolar involved, never was; my trauma comes from these attacks being allowed to occur towards me and my kids intentionally while these nutcase pedophiles use an illegal assessment ( an assessment is not a diagnosis; I eat, breath, poop psychology for a living, and no judge made nothing mandatory, illegal foster care adoption staff forced illegal actions on paperwork and they can't do that while threatening me, my kids' lives) to say me, my kids delusional schizo brain damaged homeless bums used to living on the streets with sexual behavior prostitutes transgender terrorist Muslims gang bangers juvenile delinquents outta control anti supporters like I'm Jordan Neely nutcase, brain damaged criminal drug addict drug dealer Goerge Floyd can't vote flunkie or brain damaged criminal drug addict drug dealer perc xanax sellers, users illegal nutcase  🤟Latino gang banger lovers flunkie Meek Mill flunkies squads that couldn't vote while trap housing. As soon as I get counseling for one issue and it's finished with, another pops up and more PTSD counseling is needed. 

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